This coffee table photo & essay book matches the macro photography of Meg Boscov with the micro (non)fiction of Randall Brown. A weekly dose of image and words gives you a year of inspiration, meditation, and reflection. That makes for fifty-two macro/micro doses. Enjoy. Forthcoming Spring 2020.

First runner-up from Sonder Press' 2018 Chapbook Competition, "this spare, well-crafted and resonant collection captures the vastness of the human heart —its susceptibility, perseverance, resilience and, above all, its necessary, persistent yearning for connection. Available at Sonder Press or Amazon.

Randall Brown gives a heft of heart to the oft-heard “No One Lives Alone.” These proses feel their poetic ways across complex interstices—of the children we were and the children we have, of ex’s, of parents—and deep into our human circuitry, which is profoundly wired into our physical spaces. I Might Never Learn offers so much that is beautiful and beguiling.
–Nance Van Winckel, author of Our Foreigner
What’s learned from I Might Never Learn: loneliness is a static-electrical field, astral visitations are personal, disembodiment is not. If “the Greeks called it apostrophe, this turning away to talk to imaginary things…” then Brown tells us that parenthesis is a “soundless way forward… a tiny song through endless roar.”
–Maureen Alsop, PhD author of Mirror Inside Coffin

Running Wild Anthology of Novellas, Volume 2, Part 1 includes eleven stories that are trigger worthy. We're not kidding. You'll find cannibalism, racism, sexism, death, dismemberment, beatings, zombies, ghosts, emotional abuse, physical abuse. For fun we threw in self exploration and self discovery. Because it seemed to cut through the spice and make the broth richer. "How Long is Forever" was voted by readers to appear in the press' Best of 2018 anthology.

Originally published in a limited edition by Flume Press in 2008, Randall Brown's award-winning (very) short fiction collection Mad To Live sold out almost immediately. Fortunately for Brown's fans (and soon-to-be fans), PS Books has published this deluxe edition of Mad To Live— complete with new cover art and four bonus tracks not included in the Flume edition!
Stay up to date on the newest titles from randall-brown.com.