Randall Brown is the author of Mad to Live, a collection that sold out in a month and was reprinted by PS Books as a Deluxe Edition. His work appears in The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction, The Norton anthology New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction, The Norton Anthology of Hint Fiction, and Grey House's Critical Insights: American Short Story & Critical Insights: Flash Fiction. Work has been thrice published in Best Small Fictions, 2019, 2017, and 2015. Recent books include the prose poetry collection I Might Never Learn (Finishing Line Press 2018), the novella How Long is Forever (Running Wild Press 2018), and the flash fiction collection This is How He Learned to Love (Sonder Press 2019). Forthcoming is the photo / lyric essay coffee table book Hand in Hand, a collaboration with the photographer Meg Boscov. He has been published and anthologized widely, both online and in print, in places such as Tin House Flash, American Short Fiction, Mississippi Review, Cream City Review, Harpur Palate, and Chicago Quarterly Review. He is the founder and managing editor of FlashFiction.Net, Matter Press, and The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts. He received his MFA from Vermont College and taught in Rosemont College’s MFA in Creative Writing Program, after a three-year stint as the program’s director.

Flash. Story. Novella. Novel.

Good things, when short, are twice as good.
Baltasar Gracián y Morales